Model Cases

Open innovation through sports


For companies looking to sponsor club teams or leagues, figuring out how to leverage it for their own business is a significant challenge. Typically, displaying company logos on uniforms and stadiums is expected to create a brand image among fans, signifying the company's support for the sport. While this has some effect, the excitement and emotions generated by sports not only attract players, spectators, and related companies but also reach a wide audience through mass media and social networks. It's essential to capitalize on these characteristics of sports and consider more effective methods.


There is a growing movement worldwide within club teams and leagues to promote open innovation by utilizing these characteristics. Examples include using sponsor products to improve the management and performance levels of the club teams and leveraging sports as a platform where various stakeholders gather to address the challenges targeted by sponsored companies and attract startups with outstanding technology. As a company that has been investing in startups for over a decade and providing business consulting services, we deeply understand the circumstances of sponsored companies, startups, club teams, and leagues. Based on the goals and achievements of each party, we can provide planning and execution support tailored to their needs. Moreover, rather than focusing solely on one-off events, we plan strategically to achieve short-term results while considering medium- and long-term objectives.


Depending on the goals of open innovation, various outcomes can be expected. For instance, if the goal is to strengthen club teams, it's possible to solicit products or services that address their challenges, encourage their utilization by the club teams, and conduct proof-of-concept (PoC) evaluations, or promotional activities. Additionally, sponsored companies may aim to increase brand awareness among participants by organizing and implementing participatory events at matches or other venues.
